How can I help?

There are many ways that  you can help! Like making a donation, arranging  or suggesting a fundraising event, offering your time as a volunteer or by engaging your friends and family to help our cause.

Bank Details for Direct Donations

Account Name: Bonnyrigg Rose

Sort Code: 80 22 60

Account no: 10606569


  • Tap and Donate – we will be offering supporters and friends of the club the opportunity to make a contactless donation at all home games. If you don’t see one of our NDP Heroes with a tap and donate machine then you can head to the main catering stall or club shop. We would recommend this is for donations of up to say £20 per game.
  • Bucket Shaking – we will be periodically organising bucket shaking at the games. Look out for our NDP Heroes with a bucket at the turnstiles.
  • Just Giving – we have a Just Giving page (JustGiving) where supporters and friends of the club can make an online payment.  Generally we would suggest this is for smaller donations.
  • Larger Donations – if you are considering making a larger donation then please get in touch with us direct ( We will then talk through some of the options and make sure your payment is processed correctly. For example, for any donation over £750 we will ensure that you receive lifetime membership of Bonnyrigg Rose Football Club. This will be confirmed in writing. For donations over £1,000 this confirmation will be framed and you will be given the opportunity to travel with the team to an away game of your choice (subject to availability).    
  • Lifetime Season Tickets – we have a very small number of these available. They will cost £5,000 and will entitle the holder to a new season ticket for the rest of their life. Please note this is not transferable.


If, as a business,  you feel you can donate then we would love to talk to you about how we can reflect your contribution in a way that suits your business. We have a range of sponsorship and naming opportunities for the right organisation.   


Every donation, no matter the size, helps! Spread the word and share the link.

Larger Donations

Please fill in the form here if you are interested in making a larger donation to help the fund.

Get in touch

Please fill in the form here if you would like to add your name to our Volunteers Register, or if you would like to suggest a fundraising activity.